Friday, March 15, 2013

TapIt Water bottle refill network finds refill venues on-the-go

Ashland Food Co-op labeled Klean Kanteen refillable water bottles
Ashland Food Co-op allows water bottle refills from the tap
In my women’s health class for general education credit, we are focusing on behavior changes that will lead to healthier lives. One of my assignments this week is to offer advice for a classmate’s goal -- and drinking water is an area with which I’m familiar through the logistics of carrying and refilling a reusable water bottle.

Carrying a water bottle is a great way to stay hydrated. Reusable bottles can be refilled from sinks, water coolers or from drinking fountains that have a high enough arc. I’ve refilled bottles from soda fountain spigots and even at grocery stores with gallon-jug refill kiosks. Try the TapIt Water bottle refill network to find refill venues on-the-go.

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